Interlibrary Cooperation (KITS)

Publications that are not available in our library but are available in other libraries are provided through the “Interlibrary Loan Publication/Copier Service (ILL International Library Loan)” method and these publications are lent to our users.


  • In order to benefit from this service, it is necessary to be a member of the library and a staff member of our University.
  • Before making a request, you should check whether the publication is available in our library at
  • If the book is not in our collection, the library where it is located should be determined by scanning from
  • Interlibrary Loan form It must be filled in completely and sent.
  • The requested publications are received from the library and returned to the library.
  • The rules of the library from which the request is made are valid in the Publication Borrowing service.
  • A reader can request a maximum of 3 books.
  • The borrower is responsible for lost and damaged publications.



Borrowing Rules for Requests from Istanbul Galata University Library


  • The requesting library must make a request through KITS.
  • A maximum of 3 books are lent to the requesting libraries for 1 month.
  • The shipping cost of the requests belongs to the requesting library.
  • The requesting library is responsible for lost and damaged publications.
  • No extension is made.