Borrowing Service

Borrowing Service


· Academic/administrative staff and students at Istanbul Galata University can borrow publications by becoming library members.



· It is compulsory for our members to show their university ID cards when borrowing publications.


· Publications cannot be borrowed with another person's ID card or on behalf of someone else.


· The user is obliged to return the borrowed information source on time and undamaged.

· If the return of borrowed books is delayed, the member will be penalized and cannot borrow new publications, extend borrowing periods, or make reservations while in penalty status.


· A delay of 1 day/material results in a 1-day borrowing ban.


· If a borrowed book is lost or damaged, the member must replace it with the same edition. If the lost/damaged book is not available, the Library Department will select a suitable replacement book on the same subject.


· After a delay of 60 days, the borrowed material will be considered lost.




Kullanıcı Grubu Süre (Gün) Kitap Sayısı
Önlisans/Lisans Öğrencileri 15 gün 3 Kitap
Yüksek Lisans/Doktora Öğrencileri 20 gün 5 Kitap
Akademik ve İdari Personel 30 gün 5 Kitap